Tribute details

The memory of your loved one will live on

A tribute fund is a special Fund which is set up in the name of your loved one to collect donations to Guide Dogs in their memory over time. This can be a touching and personal way to remember someone special and a great way to be able to name a guide dog puppy in their memory.

Whether it's a person or an animal being remembered through the fund, your support will help us create more life-changing partnerships like Diane and Thomas. Family and friends can raise funds for and donate to the fund whenever they want, and we can help you commemorate the life of your loved one on special dates and anniversaries.

You can even name a puppy

Many supporters use a tribute fund to raise the £5,000 needed to name a puppy in memory of their loved one. If you name a guide dog puppy, you'll receive personalised updates and photos throughout the dog's first year, and will even get to meet your special pup. Naming a puppy in memory of a loved one is a wonderful tribute to them, ensuring that their spirit, and in many cases their name, lives on in a puppy that is training to become a life-changing guide dog.