Help us build the future

We're working to create a brighter future for people living with sight loss.

Our vision is to more than double the support we provide to adults, young people and children living with sight loss in the UK by 2023. 

A crucial part of helping us achieve our ambition is the redevelopment of four regional centres. These centres will play a vital role in us reaching, supporting and delivering help to the increasing number of people living with a vision impairment. The first two centres that we are focussing on are our Regional Centre South East in Redridge and our Regional Centre North East in Leeds.

The new centres

The redevelopment of the new centres will enable us to extend our reach into the local communities that they serve. They'll not only ensure we can support a greater number of people but will help us deliver more types of services, with a tailored and personal approach for every individual and their family.

They'll provide a hub where people can come together in an accessible, welcoming environment, share experiences and support each other. 

Our current appeal is supporting our Regional Centre South East, located in Redbridge.

Our Regional Centre South East

Please take a moment to watch this fly-through video to see the vision for our Regional Centre South East in Redbridge and how your support can make a real difference.

Why we need your support

Just through our first centre, the Regional Centre South East in Redbridge, your help will enable us to support:

  • More than 100 new life-changing guide dog partnerships per year, through the purpose-built training facilities

  • The introduction of new information, skills and support services from this location for the first time

  • An increase in the number of orientation and mobility interventions by at least 230 per year 

  • The creation of at least 26 buddy and companion dog partnerships each year

With the new centre, everyone in the guide dog community will have somewhere we can come together. It makes a huge difference to share, learn and listen to the challenges other people face and how they do things.
Bhavini, guide dog owner

Help us build a brighter future for people with sight loss by donating to our Regional Centre South East

Our Regional Centre North East

The redevelopment of the Regional Centre in Leeds will help us deliver more services in Yorkshire and the North East – including partnering more people with life-changing guide dogs, providing access to new technologies and facilities, and space to support one another.

How your support can help

The redevelopment at Leeds will enable us to reach more people, including children and families. It will help us to: 

  • Increase our capacity to match up to 100 new guide dog partnerships across Yorkshire and the North East of England each year

  • Create flexible areas with specialist equipment to help children learn to use the senses they do have, to help give them the best start in life

Martin isn’t just my guide dog, he is my passport to a better life. He gives me the freedom to do what I want, when I want.
Richard, guide dog owner

See what your support could help bring to life

Please take a look at the computer-generated fly-through around the conceptual building design of the Leeds Centre to see what the redevelopment might look like:

Redbridge centre training room computer generated image

Fundraise for our centres

Register for a free fundraising pack which includes information and resources to help you on your way.

Donate today to help us build the future for people with sight loss through our Regional Centre South East appeal