Celebrating National Puppy Day with guide dog puppy pics!

Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team
  • Dogs
A  golden retriever puppy sits in front of a wooden decking. His ears are slightly damp.

Maybe you have a dog of your own and miss the fluffy puppy stage? Maybe you are considering becoming a Guide Dogs volunteer and need a bit of inspiration to bring a future life-changer into your home? Or maybe you just want to brighten up your day with a cute montage of some of the best pups around? Whatever your reasoning, you've come to the right place!

We asked our volunteer puppy raisers to share their cutest puppy pics and videos, so we can all celebrate National Puppy Day. The result is this gorgeous gallery of guide dogs, past and present. And these puppies are not just cute, they’re puppies with purpose.

Every guide dog puppy is raised by a dedicated, patient and loving volunteer puppy raiser who helps us to prepare them for their next stage of training with our volunteer fosterers, before they eventually graduate as a fully-fledged guide dog, ready to change the life of someone with sight loss.

Here’s a selection of our favourite puppy pics:

A young black puppy sits on a cream carpet and looks up at the camera. The puppy is a black Labrador crossed with a golden retriever.

Hattie, a black Labrador/golden retriever cross, raised by A. Lerp.

A German shepherd puppy sits on a tiled floor and looks at the camera. He has one ear pointing up and one floppy ear.

Rolo, a German shepherd raised by Abigail.

A yellow Labrador puppy with a Guide Dogs tag on his collar sits on a paw print patterned bed and looks down at the camera.

Mario, a yellow Labrador raised by Carolyne.

A yellow Labrador cross golden retriever puppy stands in the snow and looks up at the camera. He is on a lead and has a small pile of snow on top of his nose.

Brearley, a golden retriever/Labrador cross raised by Jane.

A fluffy golden retriever puppy with damp ears sits in front of a wooden deck area and looks at the camera.

Dougie, a golden retriever raised by Kelly.

A fully grown young golden retriever sits in front of a large tree branch with his tongue out.

Milo, a golden retriever raised by Penny.

A golden retriever lays horizontally across the photo, only his back and tummy is in the photo. On top of him facing the camera is a black Labrador puppy, resting his head and paws on the retriever's back.

Vinny, a golden retriever Ambassador dog, and Rhonda, a black Labrador raised by Richard.

A black Labrador and German shepherd cross puppy sits on a patio looking at the camera. The puppy has a white spot on her chin and chest and her front legs are brindle pattern. The rest of her fur is black.

Olive, a black Labrador and German shepherd cross, raised by Rob and Liz.

A fluffy, slightly dirty golden retriever puppy looks up at the camera. He has smudges of dirt around his nose and eyes and his fur sticks up on his head. He looks up at the camera so that his body is hidden by his head and nose.

Walnut, a golden retriever raised by Yvonne and Richard.

A very fluffy puppy leans over a blanket with his front paws visible. The puppy is a Labrador/German shepherd cross. He looks like a very fluffy Labrador with black and brown fur.

Hugo, a Labrador and German shepherd cross, raised by Yvonne.

And here are our puppy montage movies - we couldn't fit all the gorgeous pups into one film, so if you submitted a photo, check the cover image to find out where you can find your pup!

The following films are a visual album of some of our future life-changers. They feature a montage of guide dog puppy photos and videos, which have been submitted by some of our incredible volunteer puppy raisers. As each video is a montage of approximately 50 user generated images, they are not fully accessible, but each image is accompanied by a short caption with the name of the puppy and their puppy raiser.

If you’d like to find more about raising a guide dog puppy any other volunteer role, please visit www.guidedogs.org.uk/volunteer

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Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team

Guide Dogs’ Communications Team are available 24/7 to answer journalists' questions about the charity and its services, events and campaigns. We have key spokespeople across all areas of our work and many of the people we support are happy to share their inspirational stories.

Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team

Guide Dogs’ Communications Team are available 24/7 to answer journalists' questions about the charity and its services, events and campaigns. We have key spokespeople across all areas of our work and many of the people we support are happy to share their inspirational stories.