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  1. Date:
    Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team
    • Campaigns
    • Latest News

    Hundreds of Guide Dogs campaigners took to their local high streets to educate shops, cafés, restaurants, and other businesses and services about the access rights of assistance dog owners in support of our Open Doors campaign.

  2. A black Labrador guide dog enjoys treats hidden in a colourful fleece snuffle mat out in a garden
    A black Labrador guide dog enjoys treats hidden in a colourful fleece snuffle mat out in a garden
    Author: Guide Dogs' Communications Team

    According to new research from Guide Dogs, British dog owners are estimated to spend more than £1.3 billion on gifts for their dog this Christmas. More than half, however, admit to being worried about the cost of presents this year, yet ultimately expect to spend an average of £101 on gifts for their dogs.

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