Frequently asked questions
In this section...

If you are blind or partially sighted, a guide dog could change your life. Our FAQs will provide a good starting point to find out more about becoming a Guide Dog owner.

If you have more questions about playing our Lucky Lottery, visit our FAQ page.

Leaving a gift in your Will could guarantee a blind or partially sighted person's independence and freedom long into the future. Answers to your questions about how to leave a gift in your Will can be found in this section.

A donation to Guide Dogs in memory of a loved one will provide a lasting tribute, as well as bringing great comfort in knowing that your support is helping to change someone’s life. Answers to your questions about how to leave a gift in memory of your loved one can be found in this section.

What will I receive if I sponsor a guide dog puppy? Can I sponsor more than one guide dog puppy? The answers to these questions and many more can be found here.

Guide Dogs campaigns for the rights of people with sight loss so that they can enjoy better access to public transport, our town centres and other services. Have your campaigns questions answered here.

Questions about our charity job vacancies. Careers, voluntary and work experience positions are available.

This is a scheme introduced by the government which allows charities to reclaim the tax that supporters have already paid on their donations.

About our Face to Face fundraisers and the part they play at Guide Dogs. You can find answers to your questions here.

Find out about Payroll Giving, or Give as you Earn, a great way to support Guide Dogs directly from your salary and make a difference.