Rupert's puppy page

On this page

Pupdate 5 - Rupert’s exciting news!

Hi, I’m Jane, and I’m partnered with Rupert.

I’m 54 years old, and I volunteer with associations alongside Guide Dogs to make the world more accessible for people with sight loss like me. Growing up with macular degeneration, I was registered blind at the age of seven. I have very little sight today, and bright light leaves me with no vision at all outside.

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See real-time updates, photos and videos of Rupert by joining his exclusive Facebook group!

Please note, by requesting to join your puppy’s Facebook group you consent to Guide Dogs storing your Facebook ID on our database. This information will be used only for the purpose of administering your access to this group and, if you choose to sponsor another puppy in future, any similar groups. If you choose to cancel your sponsorship, or if your sponsorship comes to an end, we will remove your Facebook ID details from our records.

Rupert's photo gallery

Rupert's video gallery

Previous Pupdates

Here you can find all of Ruperts's previous Pupdates so you can look back on his incredible journey.