Book Creator for iPad

Make your own book or comic strips with Book Creator. Its simple layout and user-friendly features make it suitable for all ages, from early years to secondary school and beyond!

Book Creator is ideal for developing ideas for a school project or bringing your own stories to life to share and collaborate with friends.

On this page

What is Book Creator?

With the Book Creator app, you can create your own interactive book or comic book quickly and easily. It enables you to express ideas through images, video, music, or your own voice. As well as powerful design capabilities, it can read aloud in any language, highlighting the words as it reads them.

Is Book Creator free?

It’s free to use (for creating one book) or £2.49 for the full version. The full version allows you to create unlimited books and access comic templates, with no in-app purchases.

How to use Book Creator

  1. Download the app on your iPad from the App Store
  2. Select the app to open
  3. Tap ‘New Book’ to open the ‘Choose a book shape’ page.
    Here you can choose either portrait or landscape for your book or your comic strip layout.
    If you want to collaborate by combining books with someone else, the choice of shape must be the same for each book.
  4. You’ll find the tools to begin creating your book in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

  • The ‘+’ symbol allows you to:
    Add a photo
    Take a picture with the iPad to then add to your story
    Add a drawing
    Add text
    Add sound
    Tapping on ‘More’ offers more options such as shapes.
  • The ‘i’ symbol is used to modify an element. 
    Tapping the ‘i’ symbol while on a blank page lets you change the background colour.
    If a text box is added, tapping on ‘i’ will allow you to:
    Change the font
    Change the size
    Change the colour
    There are many other design options, like what you’d find on Microsoft Word.
  • Adding sound is a great way to help a book come to life, and it makes it easier to create content if you struggle with typing or interacting with the iPad screen. 
    Tap on the ‘Add Sound’ option and allow access to the iPad’s built-in microphone if prompted.
    Tap on the red record button to start and stop recording. Alternatively, if you have a recording you wish to use, tap on ‘Import from iPad’ and allow access to your ‘Voice Memos’ folder.
  • The triangle ‘Play’ button places the book into ‘read mode’. 
    Tap the ‘Read to me’ option at the top of the screen, and it will read aloud the text and play the sound recordings from top to bottom. 
    On the right of this is the option to adjust the settings (see screenshot below), including the voice, which will be ‘English United Kingdom’ by default. You can also change the speech rate and choose the pages to turn automatically.

Frequently asked questions